Sunday 16 February 2020

In The Beginning Was The Word

In the beginning was The Word 
And The Word was with God.
And since The Word was in the beginning
And The Word was with God,
Then The Word is our Foundation, 
Our underpinning.
The Word was the means by which we were created,
So let all things be spoken of 
And argued and debated. 
In the beginning was The Word
And The Word is in the end
And God used The Word
Both to console and to offend.
And loving the world
He made not The Word mince 
But sent His Son, to use it wisely, 
To persuade and convince.

Friday 14 February 2020

Valentine’s Day

Since I was born in 1969,
I cannot claim that my dear Valentine,
Still loves loves those little faults which are all mine,
Or can forgive them, as they are in plenty.
I’m getting old and grey
And rather shabby,
And even more ill tempered, sharp and crabby,
And can’t be arsed to act some soppy way,
Because it is St Valentine his day.
I slapped some makeup on, and did my hair,
Knowing that my husband wouldn’t care,
Because he’s tired, having been away.
Then put my varifocals back on,
Because my vision isn’t 2020,
And changed out of my dress all ruched and shifty
(Which left me feeling cold as well as flabby
And emphasised my figure had gone)
Back into tweedy things all wooly:
For no one loves an old bag when she’s fifty.