Tuesday 14 April 2015

'Authentic Music'

If music be the food of love
Then let it be 'authentic'!
For what is love? A passing mood,
Is wilderness romantic?
Let music fit the rules of love
Form needn't be archaic
And there is something more humane
In those who are pedantic.
I know you think that I'm in jest,
And really quite sarcastic
But love must pass a lifetime's test
And those who are erratic
And play their tunes how e'er they please
Tend to the obscurantic.
'If music be the food of love'
Then that which is dramatic
Might taste like nectar, sweet, divine,
So one might feel ecstatic
But who can live with self assured,
Big headed, autocratic?
And if one tends at all oneself
Towards the mad eccentric,
Then one must shun the lunatic
Whose tunes are anarchistic.
'If music be the food of love'
Then let it be 'authentic'
And play your ornaments with care,
Attend well to your trills
For love's worth more than sudden thrills,
Dependable trumps frantic.

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