Saturday 18 January 2020

The consolation of imaginary things is not imaginary consolation.” ― Roger Scruton

 “The consolation of imaginary things is not imaginary consolation.” 
We’re truly moved when music stirs the soul.
 It matters not that we are subject to manipulation:
Melody and harmony console.
And tension and release are real, for seeming real,
There is no proof, no basic, solvable equation:
Music has its human place, fulfils its role.
”The consolation of imaginary things is not imaginary consolation.” 
And yet it bears some scrutiny, investigation,
Within the Lebenswelt, and left intact and whole,
Not beneath some lens or analysed in fragmentation, 
We’re truly moved when music stirs the soul.
Those minor thirds, descending scales may both control
The floods and tides of sadness and emotion
Such music is the moon, the guiding star, the pole,
It matters not that we are subject to manipulation
Or that others name our claims 'exaggeration'.
Music might encourage and cajole
But we respond with glad capitulation:
Melody and harmony console
There’s deeper truth in chansons sans parole
Than in the truth of scientific explanation
We are complex, much too strange to pigeonhole
There is beauty in the world and in creation
of imaginary things.

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