Monday 22 January 2018

Values (Villanelle)

“values exist in a transcendental realm, they can be neither fought for nor destroyed” (Enoch Powell)

Existing in a transcendental plain,
a spiritual realm, they are preserved -
our values are the truths that we maintain.

They can’t be fought for, they always remain,
they cannot be destroyed, they are conserved,
existing in a transcendental plain

they are beyond debate, we can’t explain
nor prove their place of safety is deserved:
our values are the truths that we maintain,

so we are fed by what we feed, and gain
by symbiosis. Yet we are unnerved -
existing in a transcendental plain

we seem to think they’re fragile, though they’ve lain
around since infancy and not disserved - 
our values are the truths that we maintain

no piled on guilt, or self inflicted pain
can cure them, they just bide, they are reserved.
Existing in a transcendental plain
Our values are the truths that we maintain.

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